How far along: 30 weeks! 75% complete
Baby is the size of a: cabbage and about 3 pounds!
Maternity clothes:Just the usual.
Food cravings: Not really. I have been thoroughly enjoying the Boston Creme Cake that I made :)
Anything make you queasy or sick: No.
Miss anything: Sleeping any way I want.
Boy or Girl: Boy :)
Movement:Before, I never really felt him at school, but that started to change this week. I have been feeling him throughout the day. At one point last week, when I was doing calendar time with my students, every time I stood up, he started to kick!
Best moment this week: SNOW DAY! We had a snow (more like freezing rain/ice) day on Friday! It came at the perfect timing. I was desperately needing a break. I was able to spend all day in my pj's :) The only bummer was that it took one day away from my maternity leave... NO!
Worst moment this week: Emotions. Emotions.
Best kid comment about the baby this week: In math we have been learning about surveys. The survey that was taken today was: Would you rather be a child or a grown up? Every single one of my students answered grown up. I asked them why. Several girls said because they could have a baby. One of my little boys even said because he wanted to work and have a baby.
Other tidbits:
- Baby gets the hiccups about twice a day- once in the morning and once at night. I hope this is okay?!? He currently has the hiccups while I am writing this post.
- Teaching is a really. hard. job.
- Having a type A personality and being pregnant does not always seem to mesh well.
- We have 99% selected a name! First name has been chosen (we prayed for the Lord to give it to us) for some time and the middle name was basically confirmed this week.
- Don't even ask what the name is- you will find out the day he is born ;) I am a vault, baby, locked down.
- Belly button is on the verge of popping out. I have been watching this closely for some time. Justin says that I am obsessed. On Friday night I thought that it actually popped and had a little freak out moment. I don't really want an outie.
- I have a very slight linea nigra. I don't fully understand what this is.
- The bump is definitely starting to interfere with every day life. It is harder for me to move around.
- I have approximately 2 months until my maternity leave starts- and yes I am due in about 2 months. I am trying to work up til the last days.
- That equals about 41 more school days- I started a countdown yesterday.
- I am praying that I do not go into labor while at school.
- Sometimes it feels like the little man is doing the splits on my hip bones. There seems to be pressure on both of my hips at the same time. He is either doing the splits or is maybe pushing one hip with his feet and pushing the other with his hands.
- The new blog layout is a result of a snow day and the fact that my old layout was somehow erased.
Looking forward to: Meeting our baby boy and seeing what he looks like!
Countdown: 1 1/2 weeks until our first baby shower! I am so excited :)