This month has been a very big month for Zach. I feel like I might be saying this every month here on out. This month was big in terms of learning a routine(ish) and in mobility. At the beginning of this month, I started to track when Zach would sleep and eat. At first there was not much of a pattern, and then as a couple weeks past, I learned that he would eat every 3 hours and also learned a nap schedule. He follows this pretty much every day, although the times change depending on when he wakes up. I would say it is a flexible routine in that it is pretty predictable but changes and we are ok with that.
Zach is also a lot more active this month and has started to move. He will push up on his legs and scoot himself around the floor. He has also learned how to roll over from his back to his belly! At first it was a struggle for him, but now he can do it in a flash and do it very quietly as well. He has even started to roll over in his sleep, which means the bumper was removed. Now, I will walk in to his room and find little feet and legs sticking out through the slots on the bed. We are learning that we have a very active babe who loves to squirm, kick, roll and play. He is such a happy baby and will smile whenever anyone talks to him. He very rarely cries and will often squeal with delight because he is so happy. He really is a joy to watch grow.
- Celebrated Nana's Birthday! We will be going on a trolley ride later to celebrate!
- I started sleeping through the night at 10 weeks old! I slept from 9:00-5:00. I now consistently sleep 8-9 hours in one stretch and wake up between 5:00 and 6:00 in the morning.
- I have started to catch on to my bedtime routine. It goes a little something like this: Mom and dad play with me and try to keep me up, even if I am tired. I take a bath, which I love. Then I snuggle up with dad and read some stories, read the Bible and then we pray as a family. Mom and dad let me pray too and I vocalize my prayers even though they don't know what I am saying. Sometimes we end with Ah-goomen. Then I have my nighttime snack and doze off to sleep.
- Celebrated Mommy's Birthday! We went to church, had lunch at Stoney Knob Cafe and mom got her gyro fix, had cake and Italian sodas and Nana's and Grandpa's house and then went for a walk at Biltmore along the sunflowers.
- Made my first road trip to Atlanta! I had so much fun seeing all my cousins, aunts and uncle. Mom and dad went on a date to Flip Burger while my three aunties babysat me. They had a lot of fun!
- Went on my first shopping spree with mommy and Aunt Jen. We shopped for 7 1/2 hours! I literally shopped until I dropped, but I did a great job. I didn't cry once all day long.
- Celebrated Daddy finishing up his Seminary Program! Now he will have so much more free time to go out and do things with mommy and me!
- Celebrated the 4th of July! Daddy was finishing up his grad school work and it poured the entire day so we didn't do much. We ended up snuggling with our blankets and watched fireworks on t.v. Maybe/hopefully next year will be more exciting!
- I love the bathtub. I kick and splash throughout my entire bath. My mom is amazed that there is still water in the tub when I am all done.
- I am becoming more interested in books. I like to sit on mommy or daddy's lap and look at the pictures and listen to the stories.
- Mom and dad are really pushing tummy time now. Even though I don't like it, I am getting more and more use to it. We do all different variations of tummy time: actually on the floor, on the boppy, holding me over a shoulder, holding me like an airplane. I am starting to like it just a tad more and am getting much stronger head control.
- When I am tired, my first sign is that I suck on my hands or wrist. Then mom or dad give me my paci and I hold my hands up near my face and head.
- I have learned to hold on to my paci and can take it out of my mouth. Sometimes I shock myself when I pull it out. I am still working on putting it back in my mouth. I have learned to position my hands and wrists to help keep my paci in when I am falling asleep.
- I can sit in my Bumbo now!
- I can roll over from my back to my belly. I am doing it more and more everyday and am becoming pretty fast at it. I even started to roll over in my sleep, which has made mom nervous so she took my bumper out of my crib. The only problem with that now is that my legs and feet poke through the slots.
- I am starting to become more mobile. I can scoot around on the floor with my legs.
- I am starting to become more interested in toys. I like to look at them hanging down, bat at them with my hands and hit them, grab at them and kick them with my feet.
- Went berry picking for the first time! We picked blueberries and black raspberries.
- Dad and mom have started to call my bouncer the BM bouncer. I'm not quite sure why but if you are smart enough, you can figure it out.
- I love being around people. I am one social baby!
- I slept for 10 hours straight one night. That is the longest stretch I have gone.
- Mom and dad think I might be left handed. It seems to be my preferred hand to do things with.
- I am now wearing size 2 diapers!
- I am such a smiley baby but when the camera or phone comes out I get all serious and won't smile. That is why you don't see too many smiley pictures of me here :)
- Enjoyed walking along the sunflowers several times at Biltmore.
- Went in the swimming pool for the first time. All I did was dip my feet in.
- The day before I turned 3 months, mom realized that she no longer has a sitting still baby on her hands. Every time she placed me on my back, I would roll over onto my belly. I don't enjoy my belly too much so I would start complaining, which means when she was trying to clean the house, she had to keep running back and forth to me.
Weight: 16 lbs. [estimate]
Height: 25 in. [estimate]
Nicknames: Zachy-baby, Zachy, rolly polly, wiggle worm, Superbaby!
Likes: Sucking on my wrists, bouncer, play mat, toys that dangle down, sitting on someone's lap, bath time, grabbing onto things
Dislikes: tummy time (although we are working on that), being in my carseat
Clothing: 6 months. Diapers: Size 2
Slept through the night: 6/24/13
Rolled over from back to front: 6/28/13
3rd Month Pictures:
Zach, you are such a joy to be around. When you wake up in the morning crying, and even though it is early, I love coming to get you. After I get you changed and sing our good morning song, the first thing I say to you is, "I am so happy to see you today!" And it is true. I am thankful for another day with you you and you bring such happiness to my days. You are such a happy and content baby. Many people have commented this month on how happy you are and how you never seem to cry (which is basically true!) My response to everyone who says that is that I prayed every single day of my pregnancy for a happy baby. I am so thankful that the Lord heard and answered that prayer, because your smiles, grins and squeals bring so much joy to our lives.
You are really starting to grow up, with all the moving around that you are doing and the things you are discovering. I am so surprised that you can already roll over. You have only been here 3 months, but I can't imagine our lives without you. I am excited to watch you grow and see what new discoveries you will make! You are going up so fast, little boy :)
Becky.. your black lacy shirt in one of the Atlanta pictures is super cute! And Zach looks so big! I miss you guys, hope everyone is doing well. - Ya'el