I am still in denial/ shock that my little baby is half a year old! The past six months have literally flown by and now he is getting into big boy stages and moving out of the little baby stage. It was a big month of James with lots of big milestones: first tooth and first foods, learning how to sit up unassisted and starting to army crawl! Slow down, little boy, you are growing up too fast!
I love the 6 month age! His little personality is really starting to come out. James is a really laid back, mellow boy. He just goes with the flow and does such a great job adjusting to all the craziness around him. He has the sweetest little smile, giggle and belly laugh. I am so thankful for this boy every single day.
James officially started solids this past month (well the last week of the month!) I was holding off for him to be close to six months and so we started him about a week before he turned six months. He has been wanting food for some time. He is constantly trying to grab my food or other peoples' food and gets mad when he can't get it. He is starting off on vegetables and is doing a combination of purees (which I have surprisingly made myself so far) and soft little bits of food/ BLW. His first food was peas. His big brother hated peas when he first tried them and James actually seemed to enjoy them. He still hasn't quite grasped the whole food concept yet and probably spits more stuff out than what actually gets swallowed, but he's getting the hang of it.
He is trying out his solids at dinner time but is still getting all of his actual calories through nursing. He nurses 4 times a day (4 hours a part) and most of the time 1 time at night.
New foods this month: peas, green beans, carrots
James' sleep at the beginning of the month was pretty rough. He was waking up 2 times a night, with only going 4-5 hours stretches. It all made sense though when his first tooth finally appeared. After that tooth cut through he's been sleeping better. He actually slept through the night one night! But on average, he will wake up once (usually between 4:00-5:00am). He goes to bed around 7:00 and sleeps until 7:00.
James takes two naps a day (sometimes three if we are out and about and falls asleep in the car). His first nap is around 9:00 and he will sleep on average 1 1/2 hours. His second nap is aligned with his big brother's nap. (Insert mommy happy dance here!) They usually go down at 1:00. James usually sleeps 1- 1 1/2 hours for his second nap. I am still trying to figure out this second nap. Honestly I think he should go down around 2:00, that way he can sleep later and not have a big awake time before going to bed. However, he is usually tired and fussy around 1:00 and I need them to go down at the same time. Zach is a very light sleeper and I am afraid that if I put James to sleep in the middle of Zach's nap, he will wake Zach up after only one hour (which would be very bad news for all involved!) I have thought about maybe trying to push Zach's nap back but he wakes up so early in the morning that it is hard for him to make it any later. Ohhh the stressors of a stay at home mom ;)
James has become quite the active little boy. He is a really easy going, mellow baby but really enjoys his playtime and moving about the house as well. This little boy is quite the roller, pivot-er and has starting a little army crawl. I will look down at him playing with one toy, turn my back for a second, just to see him completely across the room, in a different direction, almost under the table, train table or the couch. He has started a little army crawl and appears to also get up on his knees a bit. He might take off crawling soon. As much as I am proud of him, I'm actually okay if he wants to stay put for a little while longer. Having two mobile kids on my hands is going to put things in a whole new category for me ;) James can sit up independently for a few seconds (is getting better everyday) and can tripod with his hands in front of him. I think he would actually be sitting independently longer, but he is just quite the mover that he can't sit still ;)
At times I think that James is a really social baby, but he is also really independent as well. He likes to be included: seeing me, seeing Zach, but he is quite content with playing with his own toys and rolling across the floor for a long period of time. There have been times when Zach has been napping and I am hanging out with James and he has been perfectly content entertaining himself for a good 45 minutes. Now that is something his big brother has never achieved, even to this day!
One of his favorite toys this month has been his jumperoo. He also likes to play with all of his rattles and other toys, as well as his big brother's toys. I find that I am more relaxed with James in terms of letting him explore his surroundings, within reason. He likes to sit in his bumbo and play with the kitchen aid mixer lid (of all things) and chew on rubber spatulas while we are in the kitchen. Bath time with his brother is a favorite. He also enjoys playing with water either at Nana and Pa's house or at the pool. He likes to be outside and take walks. He really studies all of his surroundings and is soaking in this big world.
James is easy to crack a smile. He will get the biggest grin of his face, but still remain silent. When he starts his laugh it is a one syllable ha and then will enter his belly laugh. His daddy is one of a few people who he laughs at immediately- all he has to do is walk in the room! It sounds like he can say the word, "hi". He will say it when someone says hi to him or if you walk in to the room.
Likes: Chewing on everything, jumperoo, rolling all over the place, water, kitchen aid mixer lid, mirrors, reaching at things above himself.
Dislikes: Being tired, being by himself/out of view of others, getting frustrated when I don't let him touch the book that I am reading to him,
Weight: 19 lbs. 4 oz. [78th percentile]
Height: 27.5 inches [82nd percentile]
Diapers: Size 3
Clothing: Bottoms: 6-12 month/ 9 month, Tops: 6-12 month/ 9 month, Pajamas: 9 month
Nicknames: Jamesy, Jamesy Boy, Little Love Bug, Orange Slice, Ginger Snap, Shamrock Shake (ask his dad), Bames (Zach). I also refer to him as a little koala or sloth because of the way he clings on to people.
First tooth! Bottom left incisor [6.22.15]
First food- peas [6.25.15]
Rolling across floor/ 360 degrees, pivoting
Sitting independently for a few seconds/ tripod
Starting to army crawl
Says a word that sounds like 'hi' pretty consistently.
Note from Mom:
Well, my sweet James, just like that you are half a year old. Your life is such a blessing and I am thankful that I am the one that you call mom. There are so many things that I love about you James. One of my favorite things about you is the way that you wake up a happy baby. In the morning, I am usually awoken to you babbling away in your crib. When I walk in the room, your little head quickly turns in my direction and you crack the biggest smile when you see me. You then start kicking your legs and flapping your arms in excitement. I LOVE it! I love how you are so easy going and just take things as they come. You love to be included and explore the world around you, but you also can be calm and relaxed when I have to go tend to your very active brother. You are growing up so fast. Pretty soon you are going to be crawling and you and your brother are really going to give me a run for my money with all the chasing after you that I will have to do. You are such a gift, James, and I love you so!
Six Month Pictures:
James turned 6 months the day before the 4th of July, hence the patriotic photo shoot!
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