1,000+ prayers prayed.
(1,001+ tears cried).
100+ applications sent.
9 months waited.
4 interviews.
3 rejections.
1 HUGE answered prayer!!
Last Monday was called J-Day (named by Justin). J-Day meant job day and we spent the entire day searching and applying for jobs. I even started applying to non-teaching jobs. The whole day I was praying for a job to be opened for me and that my prayers would be answered. At that point, I was praying for any job. As the day passed, and as I was thinking about the possibility of not having a teaching job, I started to feel that I would be unfulfilled and not really doing what my passion and ultimate career goal was. Around 4:30 in the afternoon, Justin noticed that a school district had posted 4 new jobs- 3 first grade positions and 1 fourth grade. I applied to all 3. After I sent in the third resume, not even 2 minutes later, I got a call from the principal asking if I could come in for an interview on Tuesday. (I should mention that this was the third time I applied to this school).
I went in for my interview on Tuesday and the interview went great! Afterward, I went to hang out with my mom and Jessica. Since school was starting on Thursday, the principal told me that she would let me know by the end of the day. 5:00 pm, my phone rang.... I answered it and it was the principal saying that I interviewed great and they really appreciated me coming in. I was waiting for the, but..... This time, however, there was no but, there was an and.... AND WE WOULD LIKE TO OFFER YOU THE JOB!! Yay!!
I have been looking for a teaching job for 9 months! The whole time I had been praying that I would have a job on the first day of school. It is pretty amazing and remarkable how God works, because I got the job 2 days before school started. And in first grade!! That was the grade I was wanting!!
I went in on Wednesday at 7:30 in the morning and began to set up my classroom. Meet the teacher was at 11:00 and all my students and parents would be coming in.
Meet the teacher went very smoothly, despite having a very empty classroom. I working in my classroom until 9:00 pm that night. My sweet husband came and kept me company and helped tape down name tags and get things together. The next day was the first day of school! Since I work 45 minutes away, I have been waking up at 5:30 am and going to bed around 12:00/12:30. The first day was great! My kids are very sweet and I am so excited to be their teacher.
Yesterday, my mom, Steph and Jess came and helped my in my classroom for about 6 hours. They were a HUGE help. We reorganized the room and made everything I need. This is what my classroom looks like now!!
My mom in the reading/circle time corner. Picture a rug by her feet.
Thank you all for your prayers!! I am feeling very thankful, blessed and fulfilled. I love being in the classroom and when I think of everything that happened, it brings a HUGE smile to my face. I have a great class and I am looking forward to this year.
Please keep praying for me! I am feeling very overwhelmed by everything I have to do. The curriculum used in this county is different than what I am used to, so I am currently feeling very lost and not sure what to do. I am also very exhausted. I have been pulling 12+ hour days on very little sleep and my body is feeling very tired. Pray that the Lord will give me wisdom to teach these kids. I want to be a great teacher that actually teachers reading, writing and math the right way. I want the kids to love coming to school.
Please keep praying for me! I am feeling very overwhelmed by everything I have to do. The curriculum used in this county is different than what I am used to, so I am currently feeling very lost and not sure what to do. I am also very exhausted. I have been pulling 12+ hour days on very little sleep and my body is feeling very tired. Pray that the Lord will give me wisdom to teach these kids. I want to be a great teacher that actually teachers reading, writing and math the right way. I want the kids to love coming to school.
Super Cute! I love love love the tree!! :)