This month with James has a been a month of getting into the swing of everyday life as a family of four. I feel like this past month, we have really have found our rhythm. I have learned how to handle waking up with two kids, cook, clean, get naps in, etc. The only area I still don't have quite under control is managing bedtime by myself with two kids. Since both boys now go to bed around the same time, James is usually very tired when I am trying to get Zach ready for bed. He is happy if I am holding him, but that is kind of hard to do when you are changing a toddler's diaper and clothes, brushing teeth, reading stories, etc.
We have even taken a few family trips and outings and have had it feel like second nature. We have busted out the double stroller [finally!] with the nicer weather we have been having and I am starting to use my front carrier more often. We took a mini road trip and explored Athens, GA, went to a Railway Museum, saw the daffodils at Gibbs Gardens and had several other day outings to malls, parks and the outlets.
This month has also been a pretty big month for James developmentally. James can now hold his head up 90 degrees and support himself on his arms when on his tummy, he can roll over from his tummy to his back and has started to do the scoot-spin- when lying on his back he pushes with his legs and can spin around on the floor. I will lay him down and then look over at him a little bit later and he has turned 90 or 180 degrees and is off his blanket.
The other day I was thinking of how it seems like James has always been with us and we have always been a family of four. It is hard to remember what life was like with only one kid, or even no kids for that matter! We are so thankful and blessed that James is a part of our life. He really is such a sweet and joyous addition to our family and we love him so!
James is nursing about every 2 1/2-3 hours. He nurses on average 6-7 times a day. I think he hit another growth spurt in the middle of the month and was eating more ofter during the day and waking up more at night. He is quite the little chugger and will gulp down and be full more quickly than Zach ever was and usually gets full on one side. Even though I offer the other side, many times he just smiles and talks to me. At first this made me nervous because I thought he maybe wasn't getting enough to eat, but seeing how he is outgrowing his clothes and is adding rolls to his little legs and arms, I think he is doing just fine! He is starting to not exactly like being covered up when he is eating (which was a big problem with Zach) so I am trying to nip that dislike before it becomes a real issue. He still has not had a bottle :( Justin has been working the night shift a lot this past month and hasn't been home much around bedtime. Since the pediatrician recommended that someone else beside me give him a bottle, it's a little hard to do when I'm the only person at home. Hopefully soon we can start having him take a bottle every couple of days.
James is a pretty good sleeper! Most nights he goes to bed between 8:00-8:30. He will usually sleep a good 8-9 hour stretch (sometimes even longer!) and then will wake up to eat, goes back to sleep and is up for the day between 7:30-8:00. There have been some nights where he has woken up to eat twice during the night. I do think he hit another growth spurt in the middle of the night and was waking up more, but on average he is going a nice long stretch. After that stretch he is like clockwork and will wake up 3 hours later to eat. Toward the end of this month, he was off and on in waking up once or twice during the night. I think sometimes he has been woken up by Zach (since the monitor is pretty close to his pack n' play). When he is up for good in the morning, I am usually woken up by the sound of him kicking his legs and talking.
James usually naps 3-4 times a day. He naps during every Eat-Activity- Sleep cycle. Although I usually keep him awake between his last two feedings of the day/night. The length of his nap times vary. Sometimes they are as short as 30/45 minutes to as long as 2 hours. I usually give him tummy time before he naps, then swaddle and hold him for a few minutes until he falls asleep and then put him in the crib or pack n' play. He is most fussy when he is tired and is trying to go to sleep.
He is still sleeping in the pack n' play in our room. We have started the process of re-arranging rooms to move Zach out of the nursery and into his big boy room. We moved the guest bed into the nursery and had to re-arrange furniture in there and we got the car bed for Zach's big boy bed. Justin has been working the night shift for the past three weeks and he is going to be the one helping Zach transition to his big boy bed, which is why we have put off moving them into their new beds/cribs. Tonight is actually night one of Zach sleeping in his big boy bed! I want to do that transition first then move James over in a week or two. I want to make sure Zach is sleeping soundly in his room for naps and at night before I have to make the transition for James, and I also want there to be a little gap in time so Zach doesn't feel like he is being kicked out of his room right away. I have put James to sleep at least once or twice a day in the crib during naps to have him get a little more use to the crib.
James seems to be more active by the day and is really starting to become aware of his surroundings and the larger world. He loves to lay on this back and kick his legs or suck on his fists. His play mat has become a favorite. He stares at the animals, has starting to bat at them with his fists, kicking them with his feet and really enjoys seeing himself in the mirror. He is getting a lot stronger and will 'push off' with his feet and has starting moving around and off of the play mat and blankets. He can pull his feet and legs up and seems to be thinking about rolling over. He officially found his fists this past month and loves to use them to hit things and to suck on.
He enjoys being in his bouncer while we eat meals or while I cook in the kitchen. His tummy time is definitely starting to pay off. He can hold his head up 90 degrees and support himself on his arms while on his belly. He has even started looking both ways now (not only preferring the right side). He can hold his head up while sitting on someone's lap. I tried him out in the Bumbo, but is still just a little to flimsy for it, and he is not-quite-there when holding him on your hip and supporting his own head. He is oh so close though.
He still loves being around people and involved in all the action. I love the look he gives his big brother- he seem to be in such awe of him and loves smiling and watching him. Zach officially got the first giggle out of James. He way on his tummy and was clapping and James started laughing at him. There have been times when James has been a little fussy and Zach will go over there and talk to him and he immediately starts smiling. James is a very social baby and likes to be talked to and loves to talk back as well. He is a very happy, content and easy going baby.
Likes: his fists, kicking, play mat, mirrors, fans, people, big brother Zach, baths, being talked to, talking back
Dislikes: riding in car seat when the car is not moving, being tired
Weight: 16 lbs. [estimate- next doctor's visit is at 4 months]
Height: 24 inches [estimate- next doctor's visit is at 4 months]
Diapers: Size 1 [switching to size 2 after 1's run out]- Side note: We have not had to buy any diapers for James so far thanks to our little baby sprinkling from our church!
Clothing: 6 month [most 6 month clothes I have are summer clothes so I have still been squeezing him into some 3 month things if need be. The weather is starting to warm up, but is not quite there for shorts and short sleeves for little babes].
Nicknames: Jamesy, Jamesy Boy, Little Bud Bud
First blow out [3.10.15]
Found fists
Sit with complete head support [3.14.15]
Roll from belly to back [3.19.15]
Starting to bat at hanging toys
Scoot-spin on floor by pushing with legs
A Note from Mom
James, you are such a sweet and easy-going baby. (Side-note: if/when you are pregnant, pray for an easy, happy baby. I prayed for this with both of my boys and they have been such easy little babies!) You just go with the flow and are soaking up everything around you. Even though you aren't directly playing with your brother, you love to be around him and just watch all the things that he is up to. You really are such a joy in our lives. We love you so very much, but we are ready for you to be in your own room now ;)
Three Month Pictures