
16 weeks!

 16 weeks 6 days.

Due Date: January 3, 2015
How far along: 16 weeks
Baby is the size of an: Avocado
Maternity clothes: Normal clothes but I have had to do the handy ponytail holder trick on the button of one pair of pants and shorts to make the waist more elastic-y. The maternity pants might make an appearance soon. The baby bump has definitely started to make its appearance.
Anything make you queasy or sick: I've been doing a lot better! Sometimes water makes me a little queasy.
Food Cravings: Cheesecake Factory Avocado Egg Rolls.
Miss anything: My occasional cup of morning tea and goat cheese. Hubs ordered a salad on my birthday with goat cheese and I had a tiny little taste and it was so. good.
Weight Gain: +2. My appetite has made a comeback!
Boy or Girl: Family and some friends know. We will hold the suspense a little longer for the cyber world!
Movement: Last night I might have felt the tiniest little movement.
Best moment this week: Traveling safely to and from Ohio with a happy and good- traveling toddler, spending quality time with lots of family, seeing Zach interact with his cousins, meeting my niece Hannah, and surprising a dear friend at her baby shower. Oh- and an answer to prayer for our family!
Worst moment this week: 12 1/2 hour car ride each way to Ohio, but it was worth it.
Looking forward to: Beach trip with some family next week!


14 weeks!

Seeing how I will be 16 weeks tomorrow, I figured it might as well post this entry. I've had it written since 12 weeks and have edited it, but never published it because I was wanting to take a picture. Well, here it is with no picture! Hopefully I'll have a snapshot for 16 weeks :)

Due Date: January 3, 2015
How far along: 14 weeks-- 2nd trimester! I have a feeling this pregnancy is going to go by a lot faster than my first. 
Baby is the size of a: Lemon
Maternity clothes: Still wearing my normal clothes.
Anything make you queasy or sick: Most food, mainly any source of protein, and some smells. I also have not wanted anything to do with cupcakes this pregnancy. 
Food Cravings: The one thing that is consistent and that I can stomach every day is apples. Last week I craved s'mores. Early on and still I was wanting fruity gum and candy. 
Miss anything: Eating and having food sound good.
Weight Gain: Should we say loss? -2.5. I've been eating such small amounts with my crazy nausea. 
Boy or Girl: We did actually find out at our last appointment on Monday. The ultrasound technician said it is 90% accurate. We were wanting to find out anyways and it was kind of a shock that we could find out this soon. We are not publicizing it yet. Although if you do ask me personally, I will tell you :)
Movement: No movement yet. I think since it is my second pregnancy I know what to expect and I know that I for sure haven't felt the little babe yet.
Best moment this week: Having a good report from the doctor, seeing the little babe on the big screen, making the news public, meeting my niece Juliana for the first time and learning that I have another new niece, Hannah!! It's been a good week :)
Worst moment this week: Having the vomit count go up to 4, 5, 6 :( I am so over not wanting food.
How have I been feeling: At first I was feeling great. No nausea, no eating problems. Besides feeling a little bit more tired and maybe a tad more hormonal, I was great. For the last month or more I have completely lost my appetite. Nothing sounds good to eat and if I try to force myself to eat something I either start gagging or throw it up. My vomit count is now up to 6 :( With my first, at this point I think I was up to 8, which is better, but I was really hoping with this pregnancy it would be 0. Smells and feeling too hot or claustrophobic also seem to trigger my nausea. My portions have also gotten very small. I'm really hoping that things kick back to normal within the next week or so.
Looking forward to: Celebrating my birthday this weekend with a nice, romantic getaway with my husband, going to Ohio and seeing family and meeting my newest little niece!


And then there were Four {almost!}

Happy Mother's Day!

I found out that I was pregnant with our second baby on Mother's Day [5.11.14]. I did have some suspicion that I was pregnant beforehand and my husband thought it would be fun to take the test on Mother's Day. Here are some clues that we had that I was pregnant:

1. Hot Dogs. I hate hot dogs and have probably only ate 3 in my whole life. But one of the first indicators that I must be pregnant is when hot dogs start smelling really good to me. It happened with Zach and it happened this time around again. My sister even asked me if I was pregnant in April because I said a hot dog sounded good. I told her no because I honestly thought I wasn't (I had taken a pregnancy test in March and it was negative).

2. Strong Sense of Smell. We took a family trip to the zoo either at the end of April or beginning of May and I got one whiff of the elephants and almost threw up. My husband looked at me and said, "Are you pregnant?" Again, I thought no- after all, we were at the ZOO which smells of animals and other lovely scents to any person. Although my smell continued to grow throughout the weeks with other things setting me off and making me nauseous. Big indicator.

3. Late. I nursed Zach until he was a little less than 13 months old. I had not been regular since I gave birth to him and only had a total of 2 you know whats. Hence, why I took a test in March because I was also late then. I was late again in May, but wasn't really banking on that as a clue that I was pregnant.

4. Change in Appetite. I had noticed little changes to my appetite but a big change was on Mother's Day, which was ultimately that last straw that changed my mind to take a test. For Mother's Day, my husband (I mean Zach) got me a beautiful box of a dozen Sprinkles cupcakes. Now normally I love cupcakes. After all, I am the Sweet-toothed Wife. But that day, after lunch, I took a bite of a red velvet one and I just couldn't stomach it. I ate half of it and I was done. In fact, I was done with all of them. That box sat around our house for some days and I didn't touch them. I took about half over to our relatives' house, then Justin had to eat the other half. He calls it the biggest flop of a present :( Normally, it would have been the perfect gift for me, but what can I say, pregnancy does some crazy things to a woman.

So with the cupcake making my stomach churn, I gave in and decided to take the test on Mother's Day. And what do you know, this is what we saw :)

[unlike last time I only took 1 test compared to 4!]

Justin likes to say that it wasn't a shock and that it was planned. I was still kind of in shock. We had talked about waiting until Zach was a year old and then start talking/trying for baby number 2. Since I hadn't been regular since giving birth the first time, I really didn't know what would happen. I still think whether you are trying or not, seeing the positive or pregnant sign on the test is always a little bit of a shock! In an instant you realize that your entire life is going to change in a few months!

We are very excited for our family to grow, for our second little babe, and for Zach to be a big brother! I had always wanted out kids kind of close in age, so that they could grow up together and be buddies (hopefully!) We are so thankful to the Lord for blessing us with our children. They truly are a gift from Him!