
15 Months!

Zach is actually turning 18 months in a couple of weeks. I did have the post written on time and took pictures on time. But, I got a new camera and couldn't figure out how to transfer the pictures from my camera to my computer until last night. Hence, this post is 2 1/2 months late :/ I still wanted to publish it since I want to share all the things our little boy has been up to.

Zach is at a really fun age! He is super super active and is always on the go. He is communicating more and it is fun to have little conversations and interactions with him and actually know what he is saying.

Zach has always been a very good eater and loves food. He is always wanting to eat whatever we are eating. If I am eating something, he will come up, point to it, or make the more sign, I will give him a little taste and he will go back to playing, just go come get some more in two minutes. He loves fruits in particular, and cannot get enough grapes, apples, blueberries or oranges. He also loves broccoli, carrots, squash, zucchini and sweet potatoes. He eats his three meals with a morning and afternoon snack, although sometimes he gets smaller snacks in between. He does go in boughts of being a picky eater and it seems like a real struggle to get him to eat anything, especially protein. However, I think I am learning that those sprees happen when he has a change in environment (traveling), not feeling well or teething. He drinks milk at breakfast and dinner with water throughout the day. He does enjoy his occasional sweet, especially on Sunday mornings at Sunday school :) Recently he also really enjoys dipping his food in sauces. If he is being a little picky and not eating something, I will squirt a little condiment sauce on his tray and let him dip away and eat! He likes to say, "Dip, dip" and take a bite.

Foods that Zach does not like, even though I keep trying them out: potatoes of any kind, peanut butter, eggs.

 I am SO thankful that his sleep is at a point that I have always wanted it to be at. He takes two naps a day. The first at 9:00 am, which usually lasts 1 1/2 hours. The second at 2:00 pm and lasts 1- 1 1/2 hours. He can finally go down all by himself in his crib with either no noise or a slight cry. When he wakes up, recently he has been content staying in his room by himself for longer periods of time just making noise or reading a book in his crib. This makes me such a happy mommy, the fact that I have a little break during the day!

Zach goes to bed at 8:00 pm (sometimes earlier if he missed a nap during the day). After our bedtime routine, he goes straight in his crib and lies down. He sleeps all night, waking for the day anytime between 6:00-6:30 am. It is a little too early for me, but I can't complain with him sleeping through the night. He is just an early riser. Although the last couple of days he has slept until 7:00/7:30 and has, has not cried and has been content reading in his bed for 30ish minutes! Recently he has made some noise at 4:00 or 5:00 in the morning but has put himself back to sleep. I think he has been waking up because he has been doing some serious teething getting those first molars in. It also seems like he might be starting to move into the direction of one nap a day. I am still testing the waters and doing my 'research' (putting him down for two and seeing how long it takes him to fall asleep and how long he actually does sleep) before I start moving in a specific direction.

This past week when he is ready to get out of his crib, I hear 'Mama' over the monitor. It is so nice to hear instead of the screams or whines that used to happen.

**The week before we had is 15 month check up, we traveled out of town, Zach got sick, has an ear infection in both ears and is teething like crazy with all his first molars. Unfortunately his sleep has been very rough for the past 2 weeks, waking up several times a night, sometimes even coming into our bed and refusing some naps. I am hoping and praying that once he recovers from his sickness his sleep will go back to being the glorious state that it was.

Zach is all boy. He is constantly moving and never seems to sit still. He also goes from one toy to the next within minutes. He loves being outside, running around, pointing out birds and airplanes in the sky, picking grass, and playing on the play ground. One of his favorite activities is the water: splash pads, pool, water park. He is fearless and goes charging through the fountains without even thinking. He doesn't mind getting splashed in the face and will even voluntarily stick his head in the fountain to feel/drink the water. After going to a few water parks, his new favorite activity are slides. He loves going down the water slides and has even done several by himself. He knows how to scoot himself using his feet and hands to get in place and slide down. It is amazing to see how much he has developed and grown the past few months. At the playground, I used to have to help him up the stairs to move from area to area. Now I can stand back a little and he can move around the whole playground by himself, climbing stairs, scooting down the bouncy bridge and going down the slide all by himself.

In the house he likes playing with his sports activity center. He will place any ball on the tee, hold the bat correctly and hit the ball. He has become quite the little slugger and can make that ball fly. He also likes taking the golf club and hitting little balls around the house. He loves his Cozy Coop Truck that he got for his birthday. His favorite thing to do with it, besides being pushed around, is climbing and standing up in the trunk or climbing and lying flat on the top of the truck. Like I said, all boy and almost gives me several heart attacks a day. I like that he likes to explore and is fearless, so I let him do these things, with close supervision. A recent favorite is climbing and sitting on the coffee table and playing with toys on top of it. Since he is sick, we allow him to do it for now, but pretty soon that will not be an acceptable play area. He likes playing with his little train set on the coffee table and will say, "Choo Choo!" Music has always been a favorite of Zach's. He strums his guitar several times a day, plays the xylophone/piano and will bang the drum like there is no tomorrow. When he hears music, he likes to get one of his instruments and does the cutest little dance. He also likes placing and dropping different objects in containers: shapes in his shape sorter, cars in a water bottle or paper towel tube. He has also rediscovered his stacking rings and enjoys putting them on and taking them off.  

Book: Llama Llama books, 'The Foot Book', Slide Garden
Food: Fruits
Word: Mama
TV Show: Curious George

 Notice my hand trying to 'catch' him while I snap a picture ;)

The doctor said that he is already advanced in his speech by the number of words he can already say. Although he still can't really orally communicate with us, it is amazing that we are starting to skim the surface and understand his wants/needs. If Zach is stuck, he will say "Stuck." When he is done eating, he will say "Done", take off his bib and try to take the tray off of his high chair. He will do the 'More' sign language signal when he wants more or really wants anything. He does that signal a lot in one day.

List of words he can say:
Pa Pa/ Pa (Grandpa)
Blue (Blueberry)
Nana (Banana)
Choo Choo (Train)
Beep Beep
Po Po (Police- Thanks Aunt Jen!) 

He makes some inflections and motions for phrases:
-Where is it? Noises with those syllables and inflections and holds hands out to side
-Who's there? Holds hand up to ear like holding a phone

Sign Language: More, Milk. 

Animal Sounds: Cow, Elephant, Lion, Gorilla, Snake, Monkey, Shark (Dun Dun- like think Jaws, again thanks Aunt Jen!) 

Weight:23 lbs. 13 oz. [35th percentile]
Height: 33.5 in. [95th percentile]
Diapers: Size 4. After having a handful of wet pj's in the morning, he has moved up a size.
Shoes: Size 5
Clothes: Bottoms 12-18 months, Tops 12-18 months 

9th tooth: 6.24.14 [upper right first molar] He may have had it even earlier but I didn't notice until that day.
10th tooth: 6.29.14 [upper left first molar]
11th tooth: 7.17.14 [lower right first molar]
12th tooth: 8.2.14 [lower left first molar]

- Found out he is going to be a BIG BROTHER! [5.11.14]
- Identify people when asked where they are in a room
- Lower himself backwards from the couch, chair or bed
- Spin
- Give kisses with a cute little smack 
- Bring certain objects when asked [ex: stuffed animal snake, baseball, book, shoes, toy penguin]
- Identify objects/ animals in books when asked where they are [Where is the bird on this page? Point to bird]
- Identify some body parts, mainly on other people. We hadn't really even talked about this/worked on it until recently.
- Spoon feed independently (mainly yogurt- but will do some other things if I don't mind him getting messy)
- When asked where the baby is- he will point to my belly and many times come over, lift up my shirt a tad and give the baby a kiss.

26 weeks!


This post is actually being published on time and it only took me 10 weeks to get another bump shot! Go me! ;)

Due Date: January 3, 2015
How far along: 26 weeks! Just a few weeks left in this second trimester!
Baby is the size of a: (Long as): A green onion.
Maternity clothes: The weather is finally cooling down a bit that I can pull out some of my pregnancy clothes from the first time I was pregnant.
Anything make you queasy or sick: Nope!
Food Cravings: Butterfingers?
Miss anything: Sleeping on my back and belly.
Weight Gain: Dr. appointment this week will let me know the damage ;)
Boy or Girl: Little Man :)
Movement: Feeling him here and there. Some days he seems more active than other days. Usually feel him in the evenings after I've put his big brother to bed and can finally relax.
Best moment this week: It was a pretty low key week which was nice. I did an art project with Zach for the first time and it turned out really cute. I might have to do weekly art projects!
Worst moment this week: Zach's sleep is still no bueno. I'm having a hard time finding a nap schedule/time that works for this super early riser.
Looking forward to: Celebrating my husband's birthday!

24 weeks!

Due Date: January 3, 2015
How far along: 24 weeks! Second trimester is coming to a quick end. I thought I would be more 'on it' with blogging this pregnancy but that is certainly not the case. I'm amazed at how quickly it is going by!
Baby is the size of a: (Long as): An ear of corn!
Maternity clothes: We are in full swing into maternity pants. I have started to bust out the maternity tops (as it turns out I only have ONE, yes, one short sleeved top!) With it being so hot and humid down here, still, I can't even be outside in my jeans. So my clothing of choice are still dresses that I fit into or comfy workout capris. Thankfully it looks like the weather is, hopefully, making a turn for the cooler side and I just might be able to start wearing some of my maternity tops. Although, I am pretty shocked at how little maternity clothes I have. I'm thinking some more shopping is in order...
Anything make you queasy or sick: Nope!
Food Cravings: Chocolate. Chocolate. Chocolate.
Miss anything: Just tonight as I was reading Zach his bedtime stories, it seems like we are starting to lose sitting space on my lap :( My little guy also loves to jump on me and 'wrestle' which I miss not being able to do with freedom.
Weight Gain: +10. The numbers are starting to look very big :/
Boy or Girl: BOY! I'm so excited to have two little boys running around. I also have been going through old pictures of Zach and I am excited for this little one to wear his cute little baby clothes!
Movement: He seems to be getting more powerful everyday. At around 20/22 weeks I started feeling him consistently in the evening. Around 22 weeks (I think) I could start seeing movement from the outside. The kicks are becoming more powerful and can be seen more prominently on my belly. I generally feel him more in the evening, when I am finally laying down and relaxing and not chasing after a toddler all day long.
Best moment this week: Having Justin's mom visit for a whole week! We got a lot of quality time with her and Zach loved having his Gramma around!
Worst moment this week: With the busyness of this past week, a certain little boy's nap and sleep schedule has been majorly thrown off, which has led to not-smooth bedtimes. I feel like we regressed in the sleep department to 8 month stage.
Looking forward to: Going to Asheville this weekend to celebrate my sister's birthday, apple picking and having our fall extravaganza with my sisters and mom!
Other tidbits:
  • My husband and I went out on a date last night and the waitress at the restaurant was the first stranger to comment on my pregnancy this time around. I guess I have officially reached the bump stage and not just the 'I look overweight' stage. 
  • I am having major nesting urges. Mainly to do Zach's 'big boy' room (which is currently our guest room). I am not ready to lose the guest room yet, and we have not bought anything for his room either, so it's going to wait a little longer. I have also been wanting to pull out all of the newborn baby clothes, but since I don't have anywhere to put them just yet, they are going to stay nicely folded in the giant storage container in the closet. My sister is also having nesting urges for me too because she has suggested painting the nursery like four times now! I will take her up on it one of these days!
  • It was in the 70's here yesterday so I decorated for fall today! 
  • When I ask Zach where the baby is, he either pulls up his shirt and points to his belly and says, 'Baby!' or pulls up my shirt to see my belly. He loves to kiss the baby (my belly) and then pull my shirt down and say "Buy bye!" I think he is going to make such a wonderful big brother :) 
  • My next doctor's appointment is my glucose test :( I failed it during my first pregnancy and had to get the 3 hour test done, which was not fun! Please pray that I will pass the test the first time around! 


18 weeks!

 *I am actually 23 weeks in a day and STILL have not posted this 18 week blog. I don't know why it it is so hard for me to get my act together this time around. I actually write the blog posts on time but have a really hard time taking a picture, which is the main reason why this hasn't been posted. Since I am now 5 weeks past taking a picture for this post, I have given up. Hopefully I can snap another picture soon!*

Due Date: January 3, 2015
How far along: 18 weeks
Baby is the size of a: Bell Pepper
Maternity clothes: Pants are really getting to be too small so I've been sticking to dresses. A little shopping trip to the maternity section might be in the works.
Anything make you queasy or sick: Not really, still having some problems with protein.
Food Cravings: None this week.
Miss anything: Sleeping on my back.
Weight Gain: +6
Boy or Girl: Maybe we'll make a little announcement here soon :)
Movement: I think I've been feeling some little jabs here and there some days.
Best moment this week: Getting to see and spend time with some of my family at the beach.
Worst moment this week: Having a sick toddler with ear infections in both ears, teething with molars, whose sleeping has been terrible, thus making my sleeping terrible. On top of that, I got sick too, which I have never been sick and had to take care of a little person. It's been one rough week.
Looking forward to: Celebrating our 5 year Anniversary with the hubs!


And Baby #2 is a.....


Zach will be having a little brother and I will officially be outnumbered by boys (not that I'm already not outnumbered!) I am so excited! I was kind of hoping that #2 would be a boy. I have two older brothers, which I love and I think is really fun. I also wanted it to be a boy so that Zach could have a little buddy to grow up with. It's fun to think of two little boys running around the house, wrestling, sharing a room, and always on the go together. I know that I will definitely have my hands full but I am so thankful for another little blessing.

I kind of had a feeling that it was a boy, although I wasn't sure if I was biased since I already have a boy and am completely consumed in all things boy already. We actually found out it was a boy 6 weeks ago at my 13 week ultrasound. The ultrasound tech asked us if we wanted to know, and we were both shocked and were like, "Can we find out this early?!?" So we have known that it is a little boy in there for several weeks now and have been sharing the news with family and friends. Today I had my 19 week ultrasound to confirm it and he's still a he!

Here is a snapshot of the little dude. The tech had a hard time getting a profile shot of him because he had his arm right over his face for a large portion of the ultrasound. Someone doesn't like getting their picture taken like their daddy ;) And then he decided to curl up into a tight ball and not show his face. I think this picture is so sweet with his little foot propped up in the air.

We are excited to meet you, little man. You have a Mommy, Daddy and big brother who love you so much already. Your big brother likes to say, "Baby!" and come over to my belly and give me a kiss. You are one loved little boy.


16 weeks!

 16 weeks 6 days.

Due Date: January 3, 2015
How far along: 16 weeks
Baby is the size of an: Avocado
Maternity clothes: Normal clothes but I have had to do the handy ponytail holder trick on the button of one pair of pants and shorts to make the waist more elastic-y. The maternity pants might make an appearance soon. The baby bump has definitely started to make its appearance.
Anything make you queasy or sick: I've been doing a lot better! Sometimes water makes me a little queasy.
Food Cravings: Cheesecake Factory Avocado Egg Rolls.
Miss anything: My occasional cup of morning tea and goat cheese. Hubs ordered a salad on my birthday with goat cheese and I had a tiny little taste and it was so. good.
Weight Gain: +2. My appetite has made a comeback!
Boy or Girl: Family and some friends know. We will hold the suspense a little longer for the cyber world!
Movement: Last night I might have felt the tiniest little movement.
Best moment this week: Traveling safely to and from Ohio with a happy and good- traveling toddler, spending quality time with lots of family, seeing Zach interact with his cousins, meeting my niece Hannah, and surprising a dear friend at her baby shower. Oh- and an answer to prayer for our family!
Worst moment this week: 12 1/2 hour car ride each way to Ohio, but it was worth it.
Looking forward to: Beach trip with some family next week!


14 weeks!

Seeing how I will be 16 weeks tomorrow, I figured it might as well post this entry. I've had it written since 12 weeks and have edited it, but never published it because I was wanting to take a picture. Well, here it is with no picture! Hopefully I'll have a snapshot for 16 weeks :)

Due Date: January 3, 2015
How far along: 14 weeks-- 2nd trimester! I have a feeling this pregnancy is going to go by a lot faster than my first. 
Baby is the size of a: Lemon
Maternity clothes: Still wearing my normal clothes.
Anything make you queasy or sick: Most food, mainly any source of protein, and some smells. I also have not wanted anything to do with cupcakes this pregnancy. 
Food Cravings: The one thing that is consistent and that I can stomach every day is apples. Last week I craved s'mores. Early on and still I was wanting fruity gum and candy. 
Miss anything: Eating and having food sound good.
Weight Gain: Should we say loss? -2.5. I've been eating such small amounts with my crazy nausea. 
Boy or Girl: We did actually find out at our last appointment on Monday. The ultrasound technician said it is 90% accurate. We were wanting to find out anyways and it was kind of a shock that we could find out this soon. We are not publicizing it yet. Although if you do ask me personally, I will tell you :)
Movement: No movement yet. I think since it is my second pregnancy I know what to expect and I know that I for sure haven't felt the little babe yet.
Best moment this week: Having a good report from the doctor, seeing the little babe on the big screen, making the news public, meeting my niece Juliana for the first time and learning that I have another new niece, Hannah!! It's been a good week :)
Worst moment this week: Having the vomit count go up to 4, 5, 6 :( I am so over not wanting food.
How have I been feeling: At first I was feeling great. No nausea, no eating problems. Besides feeling a little bit more tired and maybe a tad more hormonal, I was great. For the last month or more I have completely lost my appetite. Nothing sounds good to eat and if I try to force myself to eat something I either start gagging or throw it up. My vomit count is now up to 6 :( With my first, at this point I think I was up to 8, which is better, but I was really hoping with this pregnancy it would be 0. Smells and feeling too hot or claustrophobic also seem to trigger my nausea. My portions have also gotten very small. I'm really hoping that things kick back to normal within the next week or so.
Looking forward to: Celebrating my birthday this weekend with a nice, romantic getaway with my husband, going to Ohio and seeing family and meeting my newest little niece!


And then there were Four {almost!}

Happy Mother's Day!

I found out that I was pregnant with our second baby on Mother's Day [5.11.14]. I did have some suspicion that I was pregnant beforehand and my husband thought it would be fun to take the test on Mother's Day. Here are some clues that we had that I was pregnant:

1. Hot Dogs. I hate hot dogs and have probably only ate 3 in my whole life. But one of the first indicators that I must be pregnant is when hot dogs start smelling really good to me. It happened with Zach and it happened this time around again. My sister even asked me if I was pregnant in April because I said a hot dog sounded good. I told her no because I honestly thought I wasn't (I had taken a pregnancy test in March and it was negative).

2. Strong Sense of Smell. We took a family trip to the zoo either at the end of April or beginning of May and I got one whiff of the elephants and almost threw up. My husband looked at me and said, "Are you pregnant?" Again, I thought no- after all, we were at the ZOO which smells of animals and other lovely scents to any person. Although my smell continued to grow throughout the weeks with other things setting me off and making me nauseous. Big indicator.

3. Late. I nursed Zach until he was a little less than 13 months old. I had not been regular since I gave birth to him and only had a total of 2 you know whats. Hence, why I took a test in March because I was also late then. I was late again in May, but wasn't really banking on that as a clue that I was pregnant.

4. Change in Appetite. I had noticed little changes to my appetite but a big change was on Mother's Day, which was ultimately that last straw that changed my mind to take a test. For Mother's Day, my husband (I mean Zach) got me a beautiful box of a dozen Sprinkles cupcakes. Now normally I love cupcakes. After all, I am the Sweet-toothed Wife. But that day, after lunch, I took a bite of a red velvet one and I just couldn't stomach it. I ate half of it and I was done. In fact, I was done with all of them. That box sat around our house for some days and I didn't touch them. I took about half over to our relatives' house, then Justin had to eat the other half. He calls it the biggest flop of a present :( Normally, it would have been the perfect gift for me, but what can I say, pregnancy does some crazy things to a woman.

So with the cupcake making my stomach churn, I gave in and decided to take the test on Mother's Day. And what do you know, this is what we saw :)

[unlike last time I only took 1 test compared to 4!]

Justin likes to say that it wasn't a shock and that it was planned. I was still kind of in shock. We had talked about waiting until Zach was a year old and then start talking/trying for baby number 2. Since I hadn't been regular since giving birth the first time, I really didn't know what would happen. I still think whether you are trying or not, seeing the positive or pregnant sign on the test is always a little bit of a shock! In an instant you realize that your entire life is going to change in a few months!

We are very excited for our family to grow, for our second little babe, and for Zach to be a big brother! I had always wanted out kids kind of close in age, so that they could grow up together and be buddies (hopefully!) We are so thankful to the Lord for blessing us with our children. They truly are a gift from Him!


first haircut

This past weekend we hit a new first with our little man... the first haircut! Zach has been proudly displaying a mullet for some time and his hair officially hit his eyes in the front. After much talking, we (more like I) finally gave in and we took him to Snip Its.

Zach didn't have a very good morning nap that morning, and then combine that with him not liking to be constrained and sit still for more than 3 seconds, it didn't go as smoothly as I anticipated. I think he was also a little concerned with having a strange lady really close to him and touching him. It took much toy distraction, book reading, pacifier sucking, cell phone playing to keep this little one happy and distracted. But he we made it through and actually did a good job all things considered.

I wasn't really emotionally ready for this haircut. I didn't realize that he would lose his 'baby' look and really look like a little boy. I got a little teary eyed during the haircut and it still takes me back when I see him walking around with his big boy haircut.

before & after 

 before & after

 here we go!

 I love this picture because it looks exactly like his ultrasound picture at 20 weeks!

 what the experience was really like for him. 

 zach's first selfie. 

except wrong date. 
should have been June 7th. 


ONE Year!

One year. One whole year of life. I am so amazed at how much a human life can grow and develop in just one year! Our little baby went from being the cutest little newborn who loved to be held by everyone, to an active little toddler who won't sit still for one second. Speaking of the word toddler, I get Baby Center updates via email and up until now, it has always been "Your baby is 35 weeks old, etc." When it was time for his one year update, it said, "Your TODDLER is one year old!" Toddler! How can that be? I still view him as my little baby. Yes, you can say that I am slightly in a denial stage.

Zach has certainly entered the 'toddler' stage. He has been more adventurous and standing up for longer periods of time independently. He has even taken a few steps here and there. However, on April 20th (4 days after his birthday), he actually started walking! It is the cutest little thing I have seen. He is definitely a little toddler and is getting better everyday. It is so fun to see him walking around the house with his little hands up in the air. And when he walks over to me, and gives me a hug, melt. my. heart. 

Zach is at an incredibly fun age right now! I am enjoying it so much! He is becoming more independent and playing by himself, which is a nice break from his super-clingy mommy stage. He is so curious about everything and you can tell he is just soaking everything in. He tries to repeat words, is very curious and likes to explore everything. He is also a very social boy. When he is at the library, the train table at Barnes and Noble, or the park, he always likes to go over the the little kids and tries to keep up with them.

Here is what he has been up to this past month: 
  • I prefer to eat finger foods now, which makes my mommy so happy. Some of my favorite things to eat: fruits: bananas, pears, blueberries, shredded apples; veggies: carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, sweet potato; cheerios, waffles, pancakes, french toast, grilled cheese, cheese, and really anything mommy and daddy are eating. Although the past few week(s) I have been pretty picky with my proteins. I have not been a huge fan of chicken, ground beef, peanut butter (which I just started this week!) My protein of preference is ground turkey, which mom and dad are pretty sick of themselves.   
  • I say 'Yum' or "Mmm' when I am eating a food that I really like (which is almost all the time)! 
  • I was officially weaned on 05.07.14
  • I do love sweets: you can call me the sweet-toothed baby. Mom and dad have figured out that if they don't want me eating something, they have to eat it when I'm not around because I always want it. 
  • I am such a little sponge and am really soaking up everything nowadays including words and actions. New words: banana 'nanana', ball, pear 'perr', bubble 'bub bub', dog 'do', pop, baseball 'ba-ball'. 
  • I can also make some animal noises: if you ask me what an elephant says, I make I high pitched berrr sound. If you ask me what a cow says, I moo 'boooo' and if you ask me what a lion says, I roooooar! I am so incredible. 
  • I am also a little imitator in actions. I can pick up Mommy's brush or my brush and put it up to my hair like I am going to brush it, I pick up the broom and pretend to sweep the floor, I pick up my spoon and try to put food on it to eat. I also enjoy going into my parents' bathroom and finding the Q-tips. Even though Mommy does not use them on me, I pick them up and put them up near my head/ear like I am cleaning it out. There have also been several times where I have made the same exact noise and action as my mom. One day we were coloring and she was making this noise while she was coloring, I picked up a crayon, made the same noise and scribbled. If she drops something suddenly and makes an "Ah" noise, I will do it as well.  
  • On one of my daddy's day off we drove an hour and a half each way to go to a cherry blossom festival. It is suppose to be the largest cherry blossom festival in the entire WORLD. We got there and there was not one. single. bud on a tree. It was a major bummer. We did get out and walk around though. At least my mom snapped a picture of me in my baseball cap. 
  • Celebrated spring by going to the Daffodil Festival at Gibbs Gardens with my Aunt Jen and Mommy. I loved crawling through the grass and daffodils. 

  • Celebrated my cousins' Joseph, Angelina and Sarah's birthdays. I also celebrated my Aunt Jen's birthday!
  • Went up to Asheville to visit my Nana and Grandpa.
  • And of course went to the Biltmore.
  • I have been LOVING the warm weather and going outside. We have done a lot of activities outside and go for a walk almost every day!
  • I have a new cousin, Juliana Nicole! I am no longer the 'baby' of the family. 
  • I now have 8 teeth!! Four on the top and four on the bottom. 
  • I am becoming more independent at playing. 
  • I went to the Dogwood Festival at Piedmont Park with my mom and Aunt Jen. I loved people watching, catching bubbles, tasting frozen lemonade for the first time and watching the Mercy Me concert.  

  • I have this new 'cheesy' smile that I do :D
  • Took my first trip to the library and attended my first toddler story time!

  • Celebrated my 1st birthday by going to the aquarium for the first time. I loved it and was so intrigued and mesmerized by all the sights.

  • Had my first birthday party! It was a Tigger theme because I love my bouncy Tigger toy. 
  • Celebrated my first Resurrection Sunday and participated in my first Parable Hunt. 

  • Went to the Biltmore to see all the tulips and to commemorate my first visit to the Bilmore exactly one year ago, when I was only 6 days old!

  •  I also went to my first petting zoo at the Biltmore. I loved it! I couldn't get enough of the goats!

Weight: 21 lbs. [24th Percentile]
Height: 31.5 in. [91st Percentile]
[Becoming a long and lean boy- just like his parents ;) ]
Nicknames: Zachy, Zachy Doodle, Doodle, Doodle Bug, Bugaboo
Likes: Being outside, Swinging, Closing and opening doors, Sweeping the floor, playing peek-a-boo, reading books, watching baseball with daddy, coffee table bowling with daddy, going on walks, pushing my motorcycle, walker, and high chair, talking, making animal noises, playing with all of my new birthday toys, music, walking, animals/dogs, being around other kids. 
Dislikes: Protein, being confined/strapped in for long periods of time. 
Clothing: Tops: 12-18 months. Bottoms: 12 months. Sleepers: 18 months. Diapers: Size 3. Shoes: Size 4

7th tooth [bottom right lateral incisor]: 4.2.14
8th tooth [top right lateral incisor]: 4.9.14
Words: Banana (Nanana), Ball, Pear (Perr), Bubble (Bub Bub), Dog (Do), Yum/Mmmm, Pop, Baseball (Ba-Ball) 
Animal Sounds: Cow- Moo/Boo, Growl/Roar (Lion, Dinosaur), Elephant- Berreerrr
1st Steps: 4.14.14
Walking: 4.20.14

One Year Pictures: 

 This was photo shoot #1. I was having a bad hair day ;)

 Photo shoot #2.

A Note from Mom:

Well my little Zach-a-Doodle, you are one year old. It is amazing how fast time has gone by. It feels like just yesterday you were still in the womb, and I was eagerly waiting your arrival. I still remember those last days of it just being your dad and me, nervously waiting going into labor, being at the hospital and giving birth to you, bringing you home and experiencing all of your firsts. I am so thankful that I get to stay home and spend every single day with you. I love that I get to witness the smallest things happening, although they are a big deal to me. I love interacting with you and playing with you every day. This past year has been a very big year in growth and learning, for not just you, but for your dad and I as well. There have been tears, frustrations, sleepless nights and challenges, but there has also been countless smiles, kisses, laughs, snuggles, new traditions and priceless memories. You have completely changed my life, for the better, Zach. I thank God every single day for you , because every day that you are in my life is such a gift. Before you were born I would try to think about what you would be like and what our life would be like together. You have exceeded all of my thoughts and expectations. You are so unique, so wonderful, so active and happy. So you. I wouldn't trade you for anything, Zach.

Happy Birthday, my sweet little toddler. Mommy loves you more than you will ever know!