
Zach's Birth Story: Part II

Part I

We arrived at the hospital around 11:45 pm. Our first stop was Triage. In Triage they asked me a bunch of questions- one of which was if I had any surgeries, which I answered no. A couple minutes later, the nurse came back and said, "You had your wisdom teeth removed and a hernia repair  surgery?" She did not seem to happy with me. Sorry nurse, I didn't know wisdom teeth counted and I was born with the hernia and had surgery when I was like 5 years old AND if you already knew that, why are you asking me these questions? They also examined me to see how far along I was. In Triage, I was 5 cm, 100% effaced and at station 0. While in the tiny examination room, my contractions were becoming very powerful. Let me remind you that we did not exactly go through a birth class and although I knew it was important to relax, I did not exactly know how to breathe through the contractions. During one contraction I think I was tensing my entire body and arching in pain. The nurse in Triage showed me how to breathe and thankfully I picked it up very quickly and my husband was paying attention. That breathing really helped me the entire night and Justin kept reminding me to breathe.

Once they decided that they were going to admit me to the Labor and Delivery floor, they got a wheel chair to take me to my room. While being wheeled away, I got very nauseous and asked for one of those lovely green vomit bags. I think I vomited the entire way through the Labor and Delivery halls and into my room.

The next few hours were kind of a blur. The room was very dimly lit, the nurse would come in periodically to see how I was doing and to listen to Zach's heartbeat. My contractions were getting more powerful and were about 1 minute apart. I felt like I was in control and was relaxed. Justin was there right by my side the entire time. He was holding my hand and telling me what a great job I was doing and also reminding me to breathe. During labor, I was very aware of the time, but now, I cannot remember the exact timing of things.

It was around 2:00 or 2:30 am that my doctor arrived. She examined me and told me that she could not feel my cervix and that I was already dilated 10 cm! Excellent news! I had only been in the hospital for 2 hours and I was already dilated all the way! She told me that the only thing she felt was a little bulge, which was my bag of waters and asked me if I wanted her to break it. I asked for her opinion and she said that since I was dilated all they way, breaking my water would speed things up and I would be ready to push very soon. I was very shaky during this time and asked the doctor and she said that I was going through transition. I thought, okay, transition is suppose to be the hardest part and I am in it right now, I can do this! The doctor broke my water and then left. The nurse told me that when I felt the urge to push to call her.

This is when things started to get harder and  more frustrating for me. How was I suppose to know if I had the urge to push? At one point, I got that urge and called the nurse in. She examined me while I pushed and said that they baby was still up there and was not ready for the full out pushing yet. She told me though that whenever I did get the urge to push to go ahead and do it and work him on down. Prior to going into labor, I had always thought that people did not like hospital births because there were so many people in the room and you did not have privacy. This was not my experience at all. The entire time during the labor, it was just me and Justin in the room. The nurse would come in periodically and do her assessments and then leave. During this point, when I felt the urge to push, I wanted other people in the room. I wanted a nurse there telling me exactly when to push and how to push. At one point I even called the nurse in and it probably seemed like I begged her to stay in the room. She had mentioned that it was a very busy night on the floor and that every single labor room was filled. At one point she said that she was going to be right back and use the bathroom. I knew that she was leaving and wouldn't be back for a while. I could see why a midwife would have been helpful during this time. A midwife would have been with me during the entire labor and coaching me along with my husband. But, I did not have a midwife and I was very happy with the doctors that had been with me throughout my entire pregnancy.

For the next couple of hours I would push during a contraction. This stage, looking back on it, seems pretty bizarre. I was so exhausted at this point that I was actually falling asleep in between contractions. The contractions were a minute apart and so powerful, yet I was so tired that I would fall asleep. I would ask Justin and the nurse a question and would fall asleep while they were talking to me. I was also emotionally tired and was beginning to feel like I couldn't do this anymore. I told Justin that I didn't know if I could do it and was thinking that if I knew it was going to be this painful, maybe I should have gotten an epidural. I was also frustrated because it seemed like I was moving along so quickly, why was he not out by now? I was very 'in the zone.' You always hear how people's true colors come out during labor and how wives are yelling at their husbands. I knew that I would not yell at Justin, but there were times he went to touch my leg and I would firmly say, "Don't touch me there, touch my hand." Or you would bring up some random conversation that I really did not want to talk about and I would say, "Don't mention that now." The only places I wanted to be touched during labor was on my hand and him stroking my head.

Around 5:00 or 5:30 am the nurse came in with my doctor and my doctor said, "Are you ready to have this baby?" I was so surprised and just said yes! The nurses got everything ready for delivery and they instructed me that when I had a contraction to take a deep breath and push. They would count to 10 and then have me take another deep breath and push. I did this breathe and push 3 times per contraction. The doctor told me to get in a crunch-like position and push toward a light on the ceiling. I didn't exactly know what that meant, but the doctor was every encouraging and told me that I was pushing correctly. After a couple rounds of pushing 3 times, I was frustrated that he was not out yet. I had this expectation in my mind that I would only do 3 pushes and my baby would be out. Or I would only be pushing for half an hour and he would be out. At this point I had been up all night long and was so exhausted. The doctor would encourage me to push harder and keep going, but I was so tired that I just couldn't do it. It seemed like forever. It seemed like I would push and push and would not make any progress, although he was crowing more and more with each push.

The doctor a couple times encouraged Justin to look! Now Justin is not a medical guy at all and I knew that he was probably thinking, "No way, I don't want to look!" But he was great and he would sneak a peak at the head coming out. My mom had warned me that the 'ring of fire' [ when the head was making its way out] was the worst part. Since I was so tired and didn't have a whole lot of strength and energy, the babe was actually stuck in the ring of fire [or so it seemed to me!] Throughout all this pushing, I just kept telling Justin to pray. I was wanting him to cry out to Jesus for this baby to come out. At 5:00 am I even told him I wanted him to start calling people and wake them up and tell them to pray. He had texted Debbie who was up most of the night praying and then didn't have time to call anyone else because that was when the doctor came in and we got down to business.

Finally, at 6:47 am, when it seemed like I couldn't push anymore, I had one final push and the next thing I knew there was a baby boy being lifted and and placed on me. The feelings that followed were so overwhelming. I couldn't believe that I actually did it. I couldn't believe that it was actually all over. I was so happy that this little boy was finally in my arms and we had made it. There were tears by both parents. The doctor asked Justin if he wanted to cut the umbilical cord. Previously, Justin made it very clear that he did not want to cut it, despite my reasons trying to convince him otherwise. The hubs did cut the umbilical cord! It was such a joyous moment, holding my son and seeing his eyes looking back up at me.

 finally in my arms

love at first sight.


 weighing the big boy.

 getting checked out.

 first time Justin held Zach.

 our new family of 3!

 I would like to say that it was pure joy and pain-free from here on out, but it was not. The doctor was having trouble getting my placenta out. It was not coming out naturally like it should have been, so she had to manually take it out. Ouch! I don't know how long it took, but it was probably a good 30+ minutes of her pushing down hard on my stomach and then doing who knows what to get it out. I thought that the contractions and pushing were the painful part and that once he was out it wouldn't hurt. Nope, the pain continued until she got it all out and stitched me up. I did end up tearing and having a 3rd degree tear, which is pretty big, but it was worth it.

The nurses kept commenting on how big our baby boy was. When they finally weighed him, he weighed in at 9 lbs. 2 oz! Wowzaa!! No wonder I tore and no wonder it took so long for me to push him out. Everyone was shocked at his size. My doctors never predicted that he was that large and no one could actually believe it until he was there in person. I still find it very hard to believe that I birthed a 9 lb. baby and a 9 lb. baby with no drugs! We are so thankful to the Lord for protecting both me and Zach during the delivery process. The nurse commented how his heart rate stayed steady the entire time during the delivery. She said that most babies' heart rates drop during delivery, but Zach's stayed the same throughout the entire time.

Now that I have been through the whole labor and delivery process, I have mixed feelings about it. I know that it was by far the hardest thing I had ever done in my life. It was extremely painful. But then I think back to it and I think it wasn't that bad. But also thinking back on it, I'm not so sure if I could do it again. I'm still trying to process all these feelings and emotions.

On a final note, the doctor told Justin that no one should ever say that I am not a tough or strong lady! Those are not words usually associated with me in terms of physical strength.

Thank you for all your prayers leading up to the delivery. We are truly thankful to the Lord for bringing Zach into the world and for protecting us. Even though it may not have been at the timing that I wanted, the Lord's timing was the best. We are so in love with our little boy and are enjoying this precious time with him.

Stay tuned for our first couple days with Zach.... 


Zach's Birth Story: Part I

While I was pregnant, I did not think that I would share Zach's birth story. However, now that he is born and I have experienced the whole labor and delivery process, I want to remember it. So I will spare you all some of the more intimate details and give you the overall process of how our most precious gift came into the world.

I feel like Zach's birth story really needs to begin at my 36 week doctor appointment. At that appointment, my doctor told me that I was already 3 cm dilated, 70% effaced and he thought that I would not make it to April. That really began the 'countdown' and anticipation for me. Justin and I swung into full gear and got the baby's room ready, prepared to move, moved, got all my lesson plans done and everything ready for school. I felt like everyday and night and would either wake up or go to sleep wondering 'is this the night....' Thankfully, I made it to April and my Spring Break began April 1st. I was praying that I would make it to April because I wanted my maternity leave to start at a certain point. I was also praying that I would have a couple of days of relaxation during my Spring Break before he came. Well, my Spring Break came and went and still no baby boy. When April 8th rolled around (the first official day of the start of my maternity leave) I was feeling very frustrated that there was still no baby. I wanted my break to begin with a baby, that way when I have to go back to school, he would be as old as he possibly could. I had my last doctor's appointment on April 9th. At that appointment, I was 4 cm and 80% effaced. My doctor set up an induction date for April 16th, hoping that the babe would come naturally before then.

My due date, April 10th, came and went and still no baby. It was really hard because after all my doctor's appointments, I never thought that I would actually make it to my due date. The days after my due date I began to feel even more frustrated and didn't understand why I was not holding a little guy in my arms. How could I have gone 4 weeks, being so far dilated and still no labor signs? I would wake up most mornings in tears over the fact that I was still pregnant and that I did not go into labor in the middle of the night. On Saturday, Justin sent me a blurb from Pastor Greg Laurie titled, "Has it ever seemed as though God has let you down?" I realized that I had to surrender my plans and timing to the Lord. He was in control of the situation and would bring our baby at the right timing, His timing.  My mom also reminded me that the longer he was in my womb, and making it to my due date, the more healthy the baby would be.

On Sunday, Justin and I had the pastors of the church pray for us, that the baby would come naturally and that I would not have to be induced. After church, Justin and I enjoyed one last date being just the two of us. We went to the Biltmore and walked through the gardens, enjoying the tulips [and maybe also trying to induce labor]. We then had dinner at Curate, a tapas restaurant in downtown Asheville that Justin has been wanting to try for some time now. It was a perfect 'last date' and I'm thankful that we were able to spend that time together.

 my last bump picture!

 On Monday, April 15th, my last day for sure of being pregnant, was a pretty chill day. I woke up at my normal time at 8:00 and let Justin sleep in, knowing that this might be the last time he could sleep in for some time [he woke up at 10:30 I think!] We went to the mall that afternoon. My brother is getting married in early May and I wanted to take another look to see if there were any dresses that could possibly work for me to wear to the wedding. While shopping, I felt very tired and a little off and I just wanted to go home. Right before dinner, Debbie asked if the three of us wanted to pray for this baby to come naturally. We prayed and it was during dinner that I started feeling some contractions.

My contractions started around 6:00 pm, although we did not start tracking them until 6:30. I had only had contractions 2-3 times before this and every time they would stop after 2 hours or so. I did not want to get my hopes up or make a big deal about it. While we were watching Jeopardy and The Voice, I would tap Justin whenever a contraction started and stopped. They started off around 7 minutes apart and then moved to 5 minutes and then 4 minutes. Around 9:00 I did not really want to be around anyone anymore, so I went up to our room and we were debating whether or not to call the doctor. My contractions had been 4 minutes apart, lasting 1 minute for the past 2 hours. Justin wanted to call and I wanted to wait. The contractions were still pretty tolerable and not painful. I felt kind of ridiculous calling when they were not painful. Justin said that being a person who is on call for his job, he likes it when he has a heads up about having to go on a call, so he thought it would be good to call the doctor and give a heads up. We called the doctor at 9:30. The doctor said that it was up to me, whether or not I wanted to go to the hospital now or wait until my contractions grew stronger. She said that she would call the hospital and let them know that we would be coming in eventually.

Shortly after getting off the phone with my doctor, I started to really feel the sharp and intense contractions. They would come off and on with the more milder ones, but oh boy were they intense. At around 11:00, Justin could see that I was in more pain and that things were starting to pick up so he started packing up the car and getting ready for the hospital. We left for the hospital and notified our families that we were heading in.

We arrived at the hospital at around 11:45 pm...



Zachary Isaac Powlison 

April 16, 2013
6:47 am
9 lb. 2 oz. 
21.25 inches

Zachary: God has Remembered
Isaac: Laughter


40 weeks... and I'm still pregnant!

How far along: 40 weeks, 3 days- hello due date (April 10) 
Baby is the size of a: Watermelon/ pumpkin/ life sized baby
Maternity clothes: We have been having +70 degree weather this week and I was not planning on being pregnant with warmer weather, so my clothing supply is very limited. And by very limited I mean 2 short sleeve shirts and a non-maternity dress that I have been forcing to make it work. 
Food cravings: Monterey Jack Cheese, my mom's Scotcharoos and chocolate.
Anything make you queasy or sick: Nope 
Miss anything: My pre-pregnancy weight.
Boy or Girl: Little boy!
Movement: Squirming and poking about. He has given Aunt Jen and few jumps and screams the last week with all his movement. 
Best moment this week: The beautiful weather and being able to spend every day outside.
Worst moment this week: Feeling like I am going crazy waiting for this babe to come. I wake up everyday and go to bed every night wondering if this could be the day or night. I never thought that I would actually reach my due date after being dilated and so far along already.
How have I been feeling: Physically, I feel great. Emotionally, I feel like I am going slightly crazy.
Other tidbits:
  • I am currently 4cm dilated and 80% effaced. 
  • I have an induction date set up for Tuesday- April 16th. I am praying that he can come on his own time and that I won't have to be induced. 
  • I have gone to The Biltmore 4 times in the past week and a half- it's tulip season and we have to make sure we don't miss them!
  • Still love not having to go to work. 
  • A friend of mine from work is now 8 days past her due date, so we have been fun texting and getting together discussing how we are feeling. It is nice having someone who is in the same boat. 
  • We are hoping that we will be in the hospital at the same time!
  • I finally starting having contractions for the first time ever on Monday. They were pretty faint and lasted for only 2 hours, but it was something. 
  • I had my last doctor's appointment on Tuesday. I must say that I will not miss getting weighed or peeing in a cup every week. 
Looking forward to: Getting this show on the road and finally holding our little boy.
  • Days until past due date: 3 :(
  • Days until being induced: 3


39 weeks!

 39 weeks!
Please excuse the awkward whispies across my forehead. I don't know what they are doing there.

How far along: 39 weeks, baby!
Baby is the size of a: Watermelon.
Maternity clothes: I'm starting to pack them up and say good-bye!
Food cravings: Still chocolate and anything chocolate covered. There is now a DQ about 1 mile away from where I live and it is going to be bad news. On Sunday I got a chocolate dipped cone and on Monday I stopped by on my way home and got a Chocolate Xtreme blizzard. I am seriously eating more these last few weeks of being pregnant than I have throughout my entire pregnancy.
Anything make you queasy or sick: Nope 
Miss anything: As much as I love his squirms and hiccups, I think I am 'done' being pregnant. I am ready for this little boy to be on the outside!
Boy or Girl: A little man! You all will be finding out his name very, very soon :)
Movement: Still moving and squirming about.
Best moment this week: I made it through teaching and did NOT got into labor (major fear and goal conquered), I feel like I officially have everything done and can finally relax. Have I mentioned how AWESOME it is to NOT be working!
Worst moment this week: Moving. With me being a Type A person and wanting to control things, it was very hard for me to just sit back and let others do all the work. Poor hubs also got sick during the move and was miserable. It was scary watching him try to back a U-haul truck up the steep, curvy driveway. I thought he was going to go "Sailing right out there!"
How have I been feeling: Tired. It seems like I have to limit myself to one activity a day and then I need to lay down for a good couple of hours and just chill.
Other tidbits:
  • We had a doctor's appointment on Friday: I have dilated a little bit more (now at 3 1/2-4 cm), still 70% effaced and he is at station -1. 
  • The doctor thinks he will come this week!
  • This whole waiting for the baby to come is pretty nerve racking. I go to bed wondering if this is the night I will wake up and be in labor. 
  • We are officially moved in! Our little 'loft' is all set up and we have cleaned our old apartment and ready to turn in the keys. 
  • Not working is so amazing! I get to sleep in (sleeping in for me is 8:00), I can lounge around, go to lunch with my hubs. I could really get use to this!
  • I don't know if I have gotten the 'nesting' bug so much. I definitely do have the urge to have everything in order and ready to go, but I don't really feel so much like cleaning. 
  • I seem to have the 'grooming' bug- I have this need to be well groomed before I go into labor- make sure my eyebrows are plucked, legs shaved, fingernails cut and showering every morning. I don't know if this is normal.  
  • I have officially gone over my monthly text message allowance and the next 'month' does not start til the 7th. I have been trying SO hard to not text or receive texts. My sister had to get creative and start emailing me as our communication to each other!
  • I'm excited that I have made it into April and past April 1st (I didn't want an April Fool's baby).
  • Things we checked off our to-do list:
    • MOVE- that should be enough for one week. 
    • Write thank-you notes from Northern Baby Shower
    • Not go into labor at school- check!
    • Blog about the Northern Baby Shower and the Baby's room (I know that is not a high priority but I wanted to be caught up on my blogging before he arrived).
Looking forward to: Meeting our son!
  • Days until due date: 7!
  • Days left of teaching: 0- Oh I don't need this countdown any more :D


(Fill in the Blank)'s Baby Room!

I must say that I am very excited to be blogging about this subject: the baby room! Even before we were pregnant, I was pinteresting nurseries and already deciding on what I wanted to do whenever that day happened. I had also found a fun website where you could design your own baby bedding and had fun picking colors and patterns for both little girls and boys rooms. When I found out we were pregnant, I knew exactly what I wanted to do for the baby's room and had it all planned out in my head. I definitely wanted a light gray and white color scheme with light pink accents if it was a girl and light blue accents if it was a boy. The only problem: we lived in a one bedroom apartment. Even though I had all the details, from the color of the walls, to the furniture, to the type of decorations, I could not actually execute any of my ideas.

For months, we had been praying about what we should do about our living situation. Our lease was up April 5th. Should we stay in our one bedroom and rent it month-to-month and move in the summer? Should we move into a larger place before the baby came? With Justin and I trying to work it out so I could stay at home with our little guy, that would mean he would have to find another high paying job. Also, with the death of his father earlier this year, we were also considering moving in with his mom for several months, while waiting for her house to sell. At the beginning of March, we found a 3-bedroom townhouse that seemed perfect. We did not want to commit to leasing it since we were waiting to hear back from some jobs that Justin applied to. We decided to not renew our lease and move in with his mom as a back-up plan. Well, he did not get the job, so yesterday we made the move out of our 2nd home that we have had together since being married. We really feel like this is where the Lord is leading us for the time being. Come summer, Justin will be done with his seminary program and finishing other projects, so we will have to be patient and see where the Lord leads us.

Since we moved, there was an open room that was perfect for a baby's room! I am so excited! I had really hoped that I could have a nursery all set up before the little babe arrived. I realized that it was not a necessity and we could make it work in our one-bedroom place for a couple of months, but I was really hoping and praying that we could set up a nursery beforehand.

When we found out a couple of weeks ago that I was already moving swiftly along in the preparations for labor, that seemed to get everyone moving. Debbie generously painted and cleaned the entire baby's room for us. Two weeks ago, Justin worked very hard, assembling the dresser (which took a good 7+ hours) and painting the nightstand white. I spent one of the evenings, cutting off tags of clothes (who knew it could take so long!), washing clothes, blankets and bedding, organizing bath toys, books and regular toys.

Last Friday, my mom, Jen, Debbie and I spent a good 3 hours in the baby's room, setting up stuffed animals and books, organizing clothes in the dresser, setting up the changing table, making the crib, unrolling hundreds of diapers and hanging decorations. Last Sunday, Jen, Jessica and I finished the nursery by adding finishing touches and assembling bouncers and swings. The baby's room was officially finished last week and I L.O.V.E. it! I think it is so perfect and I love going into the room and just sitting in the glider and looking at all of his little things. The nursery is a complete gift from the Lord and I am so thankful. We were able to purchase everything we needed and wanted. The room gets me so excited to welcome this little boy into the world. This morning Justin told me that I will probably appreciate the baby's room more than the little guy himself, and I am okay with that ;)

 walking in the door. 

 his sweet crib and bouncer.

 children's books, stuffed animals and toys. 

 love his precious crib.

other half of the room: changing table/dresser and glider.

  glider and nightstand.


 dresser and changing table. 


love the "love" artwork!

 his sweet clothes.

 my wonderful helpers.

we love you, little boy!

 awesome aunts. 

ready for a little one to be in my arms <3

Wall color: Silver leaf (Lowe's)
Crib: Pottery Barn Kids (Best present from 3 amazing aunts!)
Baby Bedding: Pottery Barn Kids (Another wonderful gift from 3 aunts!)
Bookshelf: Fun find at grandma's house
Glider: Babies R Us
Blue Pillow on Glider: Target
Dresser: Amazon
Nightstand: Another fun find at grandma's 
Lamp: Ikea (previously owned)
Hamper: Home Goods
ABC artwork near closet: Made by Aunt Tessa!
Love artwork: Made by Aunt Debbie (previously found on Pinterest)
Stool: Made by Victoria!