Sorry readers, but I have been experiencing what I like to call, 'Blogger's Block.' Not too much has been happening for me to blog about. Justin and I had planned on taking a day trip to the beach on Saturday. We had our cooler packed, beach chairs out, bathing suites on and were in route to the beach, until we turned around. On Friday afternoon, I started experiencing some eye problems. I was hoping that my eye would feel better by Saturday but it did not. My eye was still bloodshot, it felt like it was bruised/sore and it was very sensitive to the light. It was so bad that I could barely open my eye. So instead of the beach, we went to the eye doctor. It turns out that my eye was inflamed due to some bacteria or virus. I went back to the eye doctor yesterday and he said that my eye was healing great!
Yesterday Jen stated that I was letting my readers down since I had not blogged in a couple of days. She suggested that I should write about my job and let everyone know what I've been up to.
I am a Teacher Assistant for third grade. My day is divided into about hour-long chunks. The first chunk is Math. During this time, I usually take a small group to a different classroom and teach/ reinforce the concept that is being taught. My third graders are currently learning about elapsed time, fractions, mixed fractions, improper fractions, multiplication and division. The second chunk is spent making copies for all six teachers. Boy, these teachers sure do need lots of copies! I have probably killed so many trees just in the two months that I have worked at the school. I have also grown very close to the copy machine. This one machine is probably going to give me 10 gray hairs and give me a heart attack. I pray for it to work EVERY SINGLE time I make a copy. That is how terrible this machine is. [Side note- making copies is my least favorite part of my job]. The third chunk is lunch duty. I stand around for 45 minutes getting spoons and napkins for students, opening go-gurt and pudding packages and reminding students that they are still on 'red' and not allowed to talk. [Actually this is my least favorite part of the day. As you can see my least favorite parts of the day are when I am not involved with the academics and teaching]. After lunch duty is literacy, where I either have students read with me to help build their fluency or help other students with their assignments. The third graders have been learning about different kinds of fiction: fantasy, fable, short story, novel etc. Then it is lunch. After lunch is social studies/ science. Third graders are learning about the solar system, soil properties and the colonial times. After lunch is recess! The last chunk of the day is writing. During this time, I conference with students to discuss their writing and see how they can enhance their writing.
Honestly, some days are better than others. My best days are when teachers have me take groups out and teach. I guess I truly am meant to be a teacher ;) The days that drag on for me are the ones in which I am simply in the room, roaming around to see if any students need help. I would much rather be in front of a group or the whole class teaching. Although I am feeling more comfortable with third grade and could teach it myself, today I was bunting heads with my third graders. Third graders love to be involved in each others business. Today on the playground, I probably had ten students come up to me and say, "So and so has to go to the bathroom really bad." My response: "If so and so has to go to the bathroom that badly, she can come and tell me. Go play." Today I was really missing my younger first graders.
Although I think this job is a good transition for me right now, I cannot WAIT to have my own classroom. This job is allowing me to get used to the school/ school system. I have had the opportunity to see other teachers teach and get more experience in third grade. However, I am ready to be a teacher. I have had enough sitting back and watch other people take the wheel. We continue to pray for the perfect teaching job to be opened up for me next year. Please pray for me as well!